Dr Neil Martin

School of Sport, Exercise and Health Science

Lecturer in Cellular & Molecular Biology



Neil completed an undergraduate degree in Exercise Physiology (2007) and an MSc in Sport and Exercise Nutrition (2008), before taking up a PhD position investigating the cellular determinants of successfully growing human skeletal muscle tissue in vitro. Following his PhD, Neil worked as a post-doctoral research associate at University College London (2012-2013) and Loughborough University (2013-2016) on a range of projects concerned with the development and utilisation of tissue engineered skeletal muscle. In December 2016, Neil was appointed as Lecturer in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Loughborough University in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences.

Research Interests

Neil’s primary research interest lies in the cellular and molecular regulation of skeletal muscle size. In particular, Neil is interested in the interaction of environmental (e.g. hypoxia, exercise), nutritional (e.g. amino acids, fatty acids), and systemic factors (e.g. inflammation), and the role that they play in regulating muscle growth and breakdown, and the subsequent ability to respond to anabolic stimuli. Within the TCB, Neil is involved in helping to understand how fatty acids, their derivatives and novel synthetically derived fatty acid fragments can alleviate cellular inflammation and restore healthy cellular function.

External Activities

Professional memberships

  • Physiological Society
  • European College of Sports Medicine
  • Tissue and Cell Engineering Society

Regular Reviewer

  • Biomaterials
  • Journal of Tissue Engineering