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Eccentric Resistance Training Study

What is involved?

4 x laboratory visits (1 x 1 hour, 3 x 6 hours)

8 week supervised resistance exercise training program

(2 x 45 mins per week sessions in NCSEM, Loughborough University)

If you are interested in being a participant in the study, please contact -

Lynsey Wilson (Postgraduate research student)  or 01509 228779

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The Effect of Health Behaviour on our DNA: Does Motivation Matter?


Our study aims to investigate if the quality of a person’s motivation to engage in healthy behaviour can have health implications, measured via DNA methylation profiles in a fingerpick blood sample.

Who are we looking for?

Males and Females over 30 years of age and be free of any blood borne viruses. Children under the age of 18 cannot participate.

What will you be asked to do?

You will be asked to complete a couple of questionnaires about your general health, diet and exercise history, provide basic anthropomorphic measurements (height & weight) and provide a small sample of finger prick blood.

How long will it take?

One visit of approx. 45 minutes. All data collection is carried out in the NCSEM.

How do I take part?

Email Richard Steel to book an appointment: