Hayden Allen

School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences

Postgraduate MRes Student (commencing 2015)

Email: H.Allen-12@student.lboro.ac.uk


Hayden completed a Sport and Exercise Science degree from Loughborough University in 2015 with an upper second class honours. For his final year project, Hayden looked into the effect of omega-3 supplementation on leukocyte response to maximal exercise. This work was conducted alongside a larger TCB project, developing an interface to allow for analysis of exhaled breath during exercise using real-time mass spectrometry, in which Hayden became extremely interested. Following on from his undergraduate work within the TCB, Hayden is currently studying an MRes in Human Biology. His research is focusing on the use of the real-time exhaled-breath mass spectrometry to identify markers of oxidative stress during exercise, under the supervision of Dr Martin Lindley and Dr Jim Reynolds.

Project Information

Hayden’s current research focus is looking into the use real-time exhaled breath mass spectrometry to identify markers of oxidative stress, under the supervision of Dr Martin Lindley and Dr Jim Reynolds. He envisages that in the future, portable real-time exhaled breath mass spectrometry may be used in elite sport to monitor biochemical markers of overtraining syndrome and optimize training to enhance performance.


Hayden is funded by the Loughborough University Postgraduate Support Scheme Scholarship

Extra Information

Aside from his main research focus, Hayden has a keen interest in many aspects of exercise nutrition, physiology and biochemistry. Hayden balances academic life with an intense self-induced training schedule as he ventures into the world of competitive cycling. As well as cycling, Hayden also captains the university basketball 2nd team and enjoys running, swimming and weights training.

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